Are you ready to embark on an incredible podcasting journey that will showcase your authority and leave a lasting impact on your audience?

Look no further, because we have the perfect solution for you!

Creating a successful podcast may seem overwhelming, but fear not!

Our team of dedicated professionals is here to guide you every step of the way, transforming your podcast from an idea to a triumphant reality.

We understand that a podcast that truly connects with your audience requires more than just recording and uploading. It demands expertise, strategy, and a personalised touch.

That's where we come in.

With our exceptional services, you can focus on what you do best – sharing your knowledge and passion with your listeners – while we handle the rest. From content creation to distribution and everything in between, consider it all taken care of.

Let us help you effectively communicate your message to a broader audience, forge deep and meaningful connections with your listeners, attract valuable leads, and achieve consistent sales through your podcast.

So, if you're ready to take the podcasting world by storm and make a real impact, join us now and let's create something extraordinary together!

Hi there, I'm Charmaine

Podcast Specialist & Manager

Thank you for stopping by! As a podcast producer, my goal is to assist ambitious and purpose-driven VISIONARIES & CEOs in expanding their empires, leading their teams, and

making a positive impact on the world.

I strive to help YOU create an engaging podcast that showcases your expertise, attracts ideal leads to their businesses, and turns them into loyal customers.

After spending over a decade in the corporate world and being a stay-at-home mom for almost eight years, I decided to pursue my newfound passion for creating a life of flexibility and financial freedom by embarking on my online business journey.

My enthusiasm for podcasts is what motivates me to support YOU

in sharing your message, stories, and expertise with the world

so that it can reach those who need it the most and inspire them to transform their lives and businesses.

Podcasting is a powerful tool, and when I made the bold decision to dive into my business, I turned to podcasts as a primary resource for inspiration, education, and the tools I needed.

Close up Image of Microphone in Podcast Studio.

hire you to seamlessly

launch & manage

my dream podcast

top view of podcast recording equipment on desk with words new podcast episode written on note pad

hire you to take care of the

end-to-end production tasks of my podcast & grow my audience


Are you a visionary or a CEO ready to make a powerful impact with your message and take your business to the next level?

Welcome to the podcasting experience of a lifetime!

Imagine having a podcast that doesn't settle for mediocrity but delivers jaw-dropping results. We're talking about a podcast that establishes your authority, generates ideal leads for your business, and converts listeners into loyal customers. You have a grand vision for your program and a treasure trove of valuable content to share.

However, to turn your podcast dreams into reality, you'll need a dream team backing you up every step of the way. That's where we come in, ready to transform your ideas into a high-quality show that resonates with a wide audience, forges strong connections with your listeners, showcases your expertise, and drives sales.

Here's what we offer to make your podcasting journey an overwhelming success:

  • Podcast Launch Strategy:

We'll lay a solid foundation for your podcast, positioning you as the ultimate authority in your field. Our expert team will provide clarity on your podcast's topic, brainstorm engaging episode ideas, and handpick the perfect guests to feature. Moreover, we'll show you how to integrate your podcast into your overall business sales funnel.

  • Captivating Scripts and Audio Editing:

Crafting a compelling podcast begins with captivating scripts. Our team will guide you on how to write enticing intros, outros, trailers, and descriptions that hook your audience from the start. To ensure your podcast shines, we'll handle professional audio editing, elevating your credibility and authority.

  • SEO-Friendly Show Notes and Episode Highlights:

Increase your podcast's discoverability online with SEO-friendly show notes, skillfully written by our in-house copywriter. We'll also create engaging episode highlights that leave your audience eager for more.

  • Eye-Catching Audiograms and Templates:

Stand out on social media with eye-catching audiograms, teaser episodes that entice more listeners to tune in. Additionally, we'll provide done-for-you templates to help you plan and structure episodes that keep your audience engaged.

  • Effortless Guest Communication and Booking:

Worried about scheduling interviews? We've got you covered with ready-to-use templates for guest communication and a seamless Guest Booking System, ensuring hassle-free coordination.

  • Personalised Coaching and Support:

Throughout the entire launch process, you'll receive personalised 1:1 coaching from our experts. Learn how to set up a top-notch recording space for impeccable audio quality, choose the best microphone for your setup, design standout Cover Art, select music that reflects your brand, and create an enticing podcast page on your website, among many other valuable insights.

  • Smooth Podcast Tech Setup:

We'll take care of creating your podcast in the hosting platform, optimizing it for increased visibility on listening apps. You don't have to worry about the technicalities; we've got it handled.

  • Comprehensive Podcast Launch Marketing Plan:

Maximise your podcast's impact from day one with our done-for-you podcast launch marketing plan. Our proven strategies will attract new listeners consistently, ensure month-to-month growth, and even secure a spot on the Charts on launch day, with continued ranking success.

So, if you're ready to go all in, show up, and make your podcasting dreams a reality, we're here to support you every step of the way. Get ready to take the podcasting world by storm and elevate your business to new heights!


GST will be added on top of the price for Australian clients

PODCAST management

Discover a stress-free and thriving podcasting experience with our comprehensive podcast management service. We're here to ensure your podcast not only survives but flourishes in the competitive world of podcasting.

Our goal is to make podcasting enjoyable, easy, and sustainable for you, allowing you to remain focused on your strengths and watch your podcast and business flourish.

Here's what you'll get when you engage our service:

  • Professional Audio Editing: Each episode will be expertly edited, enhancing the overall quality and professionalism of your podcast.

  • Hassle-free Episode Management: We'll take care of uploading and scheduling your episodes on your hosting platform, ensuring your listeners can access them effortlessly.

  • SEO-Optimised Show Notes: Our in-house copywriter will craft captivating and SEO-friendly show notes for each episode, making your podcast highly searchable and easily discoverable.

  • Engaging Episode Highlights: We'll create enticing episode highlights that will hook your audience, leaving them eager to listen to the full episode.

  • Eye-catching Audiograms: Capture your audience's attention on social media with captivating audiograms that serve as episode teasers.

  • Guest Management: We'll handle all aspects of guest management, reaching out to potential guests who resonate with your audience, coordinating recording schedules, and promoting episode sharing.

  • Creative Content Ideas: We'll brainstorm content ideas that align with your audience's interests, needs, and current trends, ensuring your podcast remains engaging and relevant.

  • Promotional Strategies: Utilising creative methods, we'll help you increase listenership and encourage your audience to share your episodes.

  • Industry Trends and Research: We'll keep your podcast ahead of the game with in-depth market research, ensuring your show stays relevant in the ever-changing podcast landscape.

  • Monthly Stats Reporting: Stay informed about your podcast's performance with detailed monthly reports. We'll analyse various metrics, including episode performance, downloads, listener growth trends, link clicks, chart rankings, reviews, and consumption rates. With this data, we'll continuously optimise your podcast strategy to achieve even greater success.

By partnering with us, you'll have the peace of mind knowing that your podcast is in capable hands, and you can focus on delivering value to your listeners while we handle the rest. Together, we'll nurture your podcast and business, allowing you to achieve your goals and make a lasting impact on your audience. Let's embark on this exciting podcasting journey together!


3 month minimum contract applies

GST will be added on top of the price for Australian clients




Apply to work with us

Go ahead and complete the application form to work with us for your Podcast Experience here. As this is an exclusive service, we have limited spots at a time & love to work with a specific kind of business owner. We'll carefully consider your application & you'll receive an email from us within 2 business days with your next steps.


Let's chat

If we're a good match, we'll send you an email to book your 30-minute discovery call with Charmaine. During your call, we'll cover the support you need for your podcast launch & what services you need to help reach your goals. After the call, Charmaine will get started on creating a customised proposal with a suggested package & contract start date.


project prep

We will provide you with a comprehensive questionnaire to gather essential information regarding your business, podcast objectives, and the necessary assets required to manage the launch. This is crucial in establishing a robust foundation, enabling us to achieve your desired outcomes and develop a unique podcast that bolsters your influence, resonates with your listeners, and generates conversions.


strategy call

We'll hop on a 60-minute Strategy call so we can discover more about you & your business & discuss our launch strategy in detail. We'll be going over our launch timeline & our workflow to make sure we're entirely aligned as we enter our podcast launch strategy.


let the magic begin

This is where we bring your podcast to life and start taking action! At the start of each week, you'll be given a set of bite-size tasks you'll need to accomplish for the week to make sure we stay on track & get your show launched on time.


podcast launch

We'll hop on a call to submit your new podcast to all the different platforms like Apple Podcasts & Spotify. We'll also be discussing moving forward with your podcast needs & the ongoing management of your pod.

on going management



Despite your consistent release of episodes, adeptness in planning your content, and perhaps even having a system that eliminates the need for last-minute scrambling to put together an episode, you're experiencing a plateau in your download numbers.

This has led to your podcast feeling more like a tedious obligation rather than a source of pleasure.

You're unsure of how this situation can be maintained in terms of generating new leads, sales, and enhancing your online presence.


We'll manage everything behind the mic so you can focus on developing and recording high-quality content for your listening community. We'll not only be your ideal crew to handle everything from start to finish, but we'll also be the creative minds that take your podcast to the next level!

The Initial Set Up & Strategy

  • You'll be provided with a comprehensive questionnaire that will help us understand your business & your podcast goals. We'll be able to identify what makes your show stand out & how we can level it up to support your business

  • A deep dive into your show with an in-depth podcast audit to identify currently where your show is at & exactly what is working & isn't working

  • Make any immediate changes based on the audit

  • 60 mins strategy session to discuss our podcast strategy based on the audit & what improvements we can start implementing to level up your podcast. We'll also go over our workflow so we are on the same page about how we will manage your podcast together

  • We'll build the systems & processes to make podcasting fun, simple & sustainable for you

  • Expert Strategy and Setup: We'll begin by understanding your business and podcast goals through a comprehensive questionnaire. With an in-depth podcast audit, we'll pinpoint the strengths and areas for improvement in your show. Based on these insights, we'll create a customised podcast strategy that aligns with your vision and ensures the growth of your podcast.

Podcast Management

  • Seamless Podcast Management: Let us handle the technicalities while you focus on creating exceptional content. We'll professionally edit each episode to enhance your credibility and authority. From uploading and scheduling episodes on your hosting platform to writing captivating, SEO-friendly show notes, we'll optimize your podcast for maximum discoverability.

  • Engaging Content Promotion: Our expertise goes beyond production. We'll create attention-grabbing episode highlights and audiograms as teasers for social media promotion. We'll also take care of guest management, reaching out to potential guests your audience will love and coordinating recording schedules for wider reach and exposure.

  • Creative Audience Engagement: Keeping your audience's interests in mind, we'll continuously generate exciting content ideas that align with trends and listening habits. We'll employ creative strategies to encourage listeners to engage with your episodes and share them, boosting your podcast's popularity.

  • Stay Ahead with Market Research: The podcasting landscape is ever-evolving, and we'll ensure your show stays ahead of industry trends. We'll conduct market research to keep your podcast relevant and fresh, making it a front-runner in the fast-paced world of podcasting.

  • Insightful Monthly Metrics: Stay informed about your podcast's performance with our monthly stats reporting. We'll analyze key metrics, such as episode performance, listener growth trends, chart rankings, and consumption rates. This data-driven approach will help us fine-tune our strategy for continuous improvement.

With our dedicated support and comprehensive podcast management services, you can confidently hand over your podcast and watch it flourish like never before.

So, let's collaborate to take your podcast on a remarkable journey of growth and success!




3 month minimum contract applies

GST will be added on top of the price for Australian clients




Apply to work with us

Go ahead and complete the application form to work with us for your Podcast Management here. As this is an exclusive service, we have limited spots at a time & love to work with a specific kind of business owner. We'll carefully consider your application & you'll receive an email from us within 2 business days with your next steps.


Let's chat

If we're a good match, we'll send you an email to book your 30-minute discovery call with Charmaine. During your call, we'll cover the support you need for your podcast launch & what services you need to help reach your goals. After the call, Charmaine will get started on creating a customised proposal with a suggested package & contract start date.


project prep

We will provide you with a comprehensive questionnaire to gather essential information regarding your business, podcast objectives, and the necessary assets required to manage the launch. This is crucial in establishing a robust foundation, enabling us to achieve your desired outcomes and develop a unique podcast that bolsters your influence, resonates with your listeners, and generates conversions.


podcast audit

Using the completed questionnaire, this is where I deep dive into your podcast & identify exactly what is working & isn't working. I'll start crafting our podcast strategy & give you my expert recommendations on what changes need to be made.


strategy call

We'll hop on a 60-minute Strategy call to discuss the results of your audit, the improvements we can make & the strategies we can start implementing to help you achieve your podcast goals. We'll also go over our workflow so we are on the same page about how we will manage your podcast together.



After our Strategy Call, we'll take over the post-production of your podcast. All you have to do is focus on creating epic content for your listeners & recording your episodes...we'll take over the nitty-gritty of your show!

You are READY to work with us if..

  • You fully understand your potential client.

  • You have a proven offer (services, classes, or programs).

  • You want to use the podcast for your business and as part of your marketing strategy.

  • You are an action-taker who wants to begin your podcast as soon as possible.

  • You're relaunching your podcast and looking for someone to help you to manage the show.
Young Radio Host Smiling

This is NOT for you if..

  • You're fresh in business and don't know your ideal clients.

  • You don't have a specific service, course, or program.

Reach out if you want to create impactful podcast together.

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